

Lucas Tao / TS

“陶炳之” is my Mandarin name, T’ao Ping-chih or Tao Binzhi. 

Given by one of my friends, “TS” has been my nickname since my high school: T for “Tao”, and S for 帅 “Shuai”. So, it can be Tao Shuai, or Tao Shy.

“Lucas Tao” is a self-picked English name, since every Asian needs an English name, right, haha?

But, call me whatever you want, I’m a pretty easygoing person.


Welcome to my blog, hope you have a good day.




About me

Typical INTP, non-typical person

Male, lover of Coke Cola and iced Americano

On the way of English learning

An observer of an unseen world: Democracy, non-censored digital world, Advanced thoughts, Military, Medical, Music, Movie and ……


INTP 英语 | 数字移民 | 民主世界观察者


About Website & Other Platforms

I have been keeping the habit of writing for 5 years or so. The main point to do so is to have something valuable to look back on in the future. But, in the very beginning of this blog, it was just something “because I can”.

I used to post something on WeChat Public platform. But, I stopped doting that, due to stricter censorship. I’m glad that I’ve been running this blog for the same contents.


What I focus mainly relates to the four topics: humanities and culture, arts, technologies, and daydreams of mineThese contents are not very sensitive. I could also easily publish them on the WeChat official platform without a lot of self-censorship. At that time, mentioning some keywords like “Telegram” and “VPN” is even a kind of okay, which I think it would now get myself into trouble if I keep doing it nowadays.

Things have changed. 

Mandarin being a language has kept being contaminated due to some politically sensitive factors, and the whole environment has dramatically deteriorated during these years. As my realization that more and more domestic platforms have already become the Big Brother’s mouthpiece becomes clearer within this year – 2023, I started re-thinking the platforms that I chose to publish, as well as other sensitive matters.



The first thing I know is that I shouldn’t publish any mandarin contexts on any domestic platforms any more. Looking back now, luckily, I have this website.

The second thing is that I should practice my English as soon as possible, which one of the best ways is to write in English. So, I guess, English would be the first language on my blog, from now on.


人文 | 艺术 | 科技 | 白日梦


Bonus one

Never give in…


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